Stephanie Polkowski

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Industries that can Benefit from Every Door Direct Mail Marketing

Posted by Stephanie Polkowski on Oct 9, 2023 10:00:00 AM

Every Door Direct Mail (EDDM) marketing is a simple, effective solution to help all types of businesses meet their goals, particularly real estate agents, dentists, landscapers and other professionals that cater to local customers.

Let us begin by reminding you about one thing: When it comes to direct mail marketing, ROI is about much more than meets the eye.  

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Topics: Direct Mail, EDDM, Every Door Direct Mail, Direct Mail Marketing

Every Door Direct Mail: 4 Features that Benefit Local Businesses

Posted by Stephanie Polkowski on Sep 7, 2023 9:25:27 AM

For businesses looking to gain local visibility and attract new customers, Every Door Direct Mail (EDDM) proves to be a cost-effective and highly targeted marketing tool. This direct mail service offered by the United States Postal Service (USPS) allows businesses to reach every home in a specific neighborhood you select without the need for individual addresses. 

In this blog post, we will explore the four top features of EDDM and how your business can benefit from this effective direct mail marketing strategy.

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Topics: Direct Mail, EDDM, Every Door Direct Mail

Direct Mail Marketing by Generation

Posted by Stephanie Polkowski on Jul 12, 2023 9:00:00 AM

Over the past century, one form of communication has stood the test of time: direct mail.

Although the various generations clearly have different life experiences, direct mail marketing has proven to be an effective way to reach audiences of all ages. Research shows that direct mail connects and engages because it is tangible, builds trust, has a physical and emotional impact and has staying power.

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Topics: Direct Mail, Direct Mail by Generation, Direct Marketing, Direct Mail Marketing

5 Postcard Design Tips to Help You Create Effective Direct Mail

Posted by Stephanie Polkowski on Jun 20, 2023 8:30:00 AM

It’s vital your mailer engages quickly with a professional look and standout messaging. The following postcard design tips will help you create mailers that grab the attention of your audience and improve your marketing return on investment.

Designing a direct mailer presents a different challenge than creating an email or a social media post. It’s a single printed piece that must tell enough of a story to drive the audience to take an action, like make a phone call or visit a website or brick-and-mortar store.

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Topics: Direct Mail, Marketing Postcards, Postcard Designs, Direct Mail Designs, Postcard Design Tips, Postcard Creator

Step-by-Step Guide to Creating and Uploading Data for Targeted Direct Mail

Posted by Stephanie Polkowski on Jun 12, 2023 8:00:00 AM

The following step-by-step guide shows you how to log in, design a postcard and upload and map your data list for postal addressing. 

AMPlified Mail helps organizations of all sizes create and mail marketing postcards to their house list using targeted direct mail. Our all-in-one solution makes it easy to design your postcard, upload your list and reach your target audience. Please note targeted mail requires a minimum of 100 records for ordering.

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Topics: Direct Mail, Targeted Direct Mail, Uploading Data for Targeted Direct Mail, Data List Mapping, Marketing Postcards, Postcard Designs

Step-by-Step Guide to Selecting Audience Data for Targeted Direct Mail

Posted by Stephanie Polkowski on Jun 8, 2023 10:05:03 AM

The following step-by-step guide shows you how to log in, design a postcard and use our proprietary data platform to identify households by specific demographics, making them most likely to respond to your marketing mail.

AMPlified Mail helps organizations of all sizes create and mail marketing postcards. Our all-in-one solution makes it easy to design your postcard, access data from top list compilers and select audience demographics that help you reach your target audience. Please note targeted mail requires a minimum of 100 records for ordering.

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Topics: marketing, Direct Mail, marketing plan, Targeted Direct Mail, Guide to Selecting Data for Targeted Direct Mail, Targeted Direct Mail Data

Step-by-Step Guide to Create an Every Door Direct Mailing

Posted by Stephanie Polkowski on Jun 8, 2023 8:00:00 AM

The following step-by-step guide shows you how to log in, design a postcard and identify the audience of your EDDM campaign. It’s easy as can be!

AMPlified Mail helps organizations of all sizes identify their target audience, create  marketing postcards and mail to them using Every Door Direct Mail® (EDDM). EDDM is a cost-efficient way to reach the residents of your target neighborhoods.

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Topics: marketing, Direct Mail, EDDM, Every Door Direct Mail, marketing plan, Guide to Create an Every Door Direct Mailing

Direct Mail Builds Brand Awareness

Posted by Stephanie Polkowski on May 25, 2023 3:07:00 PM

Cut through the digital clutter and put your brand on repeat. 

When sent out consistently, direct mail keeps your name top of mind. 

Direct mail isn't just about making the immediate slate. It's about building a relationship with your audience, and all relationships start with trust. Direct mail is a tangible and trusted solution for getting your message literally in your audience's hands with a personalized touch that digital marketing and email can't provide.

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Topics: marketing, Direct Mail, marketing plan

Power of Personalization in Direct Mail Marketing

Posted by Stephanie Polkowski on May 17, 2023 1:00:00 PM

Personalized Direct Mail Marketing: Relevant and Results Driven!

Personalized direct mail offers a budget-friendly option to reach both customers and prospects. Targeted mail campaigns can be tailored to a specific audience. This means customers receive information and offers that match their buying habits and needs.

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Topics: marketing, Direct Mail, EDDM, Every Door Direct Mail, personalized mail, digital, print, Real Estate, realtor

How Do I Create a Direct Mail Strategy?

Posted by Stephanie Polkowski on May 8, 2023 3:04:00 PM

Are you wondering how to create a direct mail marketing strategy that works? 

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Topics: EDDM, Every Door Direct Mail, Targeted Direct Mail